When foreigners ordain, they leave home in renunciation and begin a new life. From then on it’s not comfortable to live with one’s family and it’s awkward wearing the red robes in public; people look down on monastics for not working usual jobs. Rather than obtaining simpler, conducive conditions for Dharma practice through ordaining, the environment itself becomes an adverse condition to their aspirations for full time practice and study.
I truly believe it is greatly beneficial for society to support the sangha in their special commitment to the Dharma, and I hope and pray that there will be increasing support for the foreign sangha in Tibetan Buddhism.
Remember us in your will
Making a Will and keeping it up to date ensures that your wishes are known and prevents any unnecessary burden or confusion for loved ones at a time of bereavement. Leaving a charitable gift in your Will is a great way to continue to make a difference after your current lifetime.
ANHN depends entirely on donations, and any gift in your Will, large or small, will help to secure the continuation of spiritual practice of the monastic community.
There are many ways of leaving a bequest in a Will. In general, there are three types of gift. You can leave:
- a share of your estate (a residuary gift)
- a fixed amount of money (a pecuniary gift)
- a particular item (a specific gift)
Wills can be complex and the exact legal terminology required is different in different countries. Therefore we recommend that you seek professional advice or the assistance of a solicitor when preparing your will. You will need some specific information from ANHN, so please contact us to ensure that you have the correct details.
We do suggest that you do not describe the purposes in too limited or narrow wording; please consider whether it would be possible or easy for us to fulfil your wish. Popular purposes (and ones we can easily fulfil) are: for general purposes.
Most importantly, we request that you do not provide a direct gift of either money or property for your sponsored nun.
Thank you for considering supporting the Alliance of Non Himalayan Nuns with a bequest.